In general, this should be done by the program coordinator or whoever works closest to the person.

  1. Go to and log in
  2. At the bottom of the left side menu, click on "Manage Guests" under "Sponsored Guests"
  3. Click on "Create a Guest Account"
  4. Enter the guest's information.
  5. If you're adding a group of people for a program or event, you can create a group to keep the accounts organized.
  6. If the person also requires LAWN (wireless internet) access, check the box under the "Services" section. Most people won't need this, just basic authentication.
  7. You can grant access for up to 1 year, but choose an appropriate expiration date. If the person will need access longer than 1 year, you'll be able to renew their access.
  8. You can either have them set their own password, or you can choose it and tell them.
  9. Add a message if you want which will go in the email to them.
  10. Click the checkbox agreeing to the conditions, then click "Save".

If you are setting up a guest account so that someone can log in and take training, they should have access in an hour or so.