This is for Bio-Boxes, Plastic bins, and sharps.

  1. Select the "Waste" icon. This will take you to a listing of all waste containers currently in your inventory.
  2. Click on “+Add a Waste Label” button, upper left.
  3. Complete required fields for the container.
    1. Waste Type: select "Biological"
    2. Accumulating: select "Yes"
    3. Container Type: select from drop-down menu
    4. Location of Waste: use if necessary to describe where the waste is located within or around the lab. This is not the building and/or room number; these will be recorded automatically.
  4. When you are done scroll down and click on "Save". This will return you to the listing of waste containers with the newly created one at the top of the list.
  5. Click on the green "Haz Waste Label" button on the far left. This will produce a label for your container.
  6. Print this label and attach it to the container.